08 October, 2008

My First Blog: The Bear

No one knows what kind of turns the market will take in the days to come. Each and every investor is worried about the bull sleeping in the zoo. No doubt, returns are an important aspect to one's investment. But I am however unable to understand why people don't give importance to bear's role in the market.
Everyone can be seen dying for returns giving the impression of a camel who is alone in the desert looking for water to quench his thurst.But I have a simple question to ask? Please tell that except me, has anyone realised that the camel has enough water in his hump to sustain himself from the vagaries of desert.

I can see the same attitude developing in the minds of a common investor. Why the hell is he cribbing? Didn't he fill his pockets in the last year's third quarter by booking ample profits. Even some 'A' Group scripts have given 40-50 percent returns in 2-3 days. Don't mind but A group scrips are supposed to be the most stable ones. If a person has not booked any profits in the mentioned period and has kept his scripts hatching, I am sorry to say to them , "PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE MARKETS!!!!". If the so called "SATTA" is the only means of the person's living please find some other way to earn your bread and butter. Not booking profits simply displays one's immateur and childish like behaviour.

There is no place in the world where a statue of a bear can be seen outside the stock markets. I think the time has come taht the investor learns to give equal importance to both the animals , the market has tamed over the years so as to make the markets a better place to survive in!

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